You workout your body to maintain your physical health. If your core is weak, you might do some sit ups. Your muscles will strengthen as you challenge your muscles to deal with higher, longer, repetitive levels of resistance or weight.
Similarly, you can workout your mind to maintain your mental health.
For example, the ability to ask for things of other people can help improve your mental health as you express your wants and needs and get them met. If this is a skill you want to improve on, treat it like a muscle that you are trying to strengthen and so some reps every day. Start small. Maybe ask for the time of day, or an appointment slot at the doctor. Then ask for someone’s advice.
As you build this muscle you’ll be setting yourself up for the heavier weights, like when you want to ask for an extension on a major work project or a promotion.
Build all different types of mental muscles. Build your decision making muscle. Build your self-compassion muscle.
Your strongest muscle is your mind—train it well.