Have you ever wondered why you sometimes engage in self-destructive behaviors? Eating too much, watching too much TV, or spending too much time on social media are examples of the things we can do in the moment because they feel good, only to later have regrets and be frustrated or disappointed in yourself.
It may be the case that there are difficult emotions you are trying to avoid that you don’t want to deal with. Those feelings could include anxiety, sadness, loneliness, boredom, anger, jealousy, self-criticism, fear, or rejection, amongst others.
The next time you feel yourself avoiding a feeling, try turning towards that relationship instead of away from it. Accept the emotion and identify and label what you are feeling. Sit with the feeling. Consider what is driving that feeling. Get to know your feeling better.
Through this process of self discovery you can develop new intuitions about your needs, wants, hopes, dreams, and desires. Use this knowledge to identify what actions you can take that can move you in the direction you want to go.
You’ll ultimately feel better about the choices you make, lessen your self-destructive behaviors, and move yourself towards the life you want to live.