65 posts
Don’t Forget to Act
I was watching a video of W Clement Stone recently (who I discovered through the powerful book Success Principles, by Jack Canfield), and he mentioned this “R2A2 Principle” I love…
People Remember Stories, Not Stats
Some statistics worth considering: Messages delivered as stories can be up to 22 times more memorable than just facts (source) 63% of people recalled a story from a presentation, but…
Managed Serendipity
You make your own luck. Well, that’s not exactly correct. A more accurate statement would be to say that while you can get lucky regardless of your actions, you can…
Manage Your Energy
Time management is not only about managing your time – it is also about managing your energy. You could have all of the time in the world, but if you…
Emotional Acceptance
Have you ever wondered why you sometimes engage in self-destructive behaviors? Eating too much, watching too much TV, or spending too much time on social media are examples of the…
Vision Questing
Once a quarter or a once a year, book a 1-day trip for yourself. Go somewhere that feels safe, away from your work, your life, your daily routine. A hotel,…